Canadian Market Access Services

The first two services below are offered directly, and free of charge, to enterprises and trade support organisations through our web site, while the others are typically provided through local partners such as trade promotion organisations or chambers of commerce.

Web-Based Services for Exporters

TFO Canada provides general and sector-specific information, advice and links for the benefit of exporters researching or implementing a market-entry strategy to export their products or services to Canada.  This includes the opportunity for the exporter to publish their export offers in our database which reaches over 1,200 Canadian importers.

Web-based services for Canadian importers

To complement and sustain our services for developing country exporters, TFO Canada provides an information service for Canadian importers interested in sourcing products from developing and emerging economies.  This includes a searchable database for identifying new products or suppliers, and a customised news bulletin.

Market Opportunity Studies

TFO Canada prepares market opportunity studies, using trade flow analysis and other research sources, to identify a country or region’s best opportunities for expanding trade to Canada.  Typically, these studies also include market entry considerations for exporters in those sectors, and for the local trade support institutions that may assist them in accessing the Canadian marketplace.

Exporting to Canada Seminars

These seminars, typically sector-specific, target managers of small and medium-sized companies with some export experience.  They introduce the opportunities of the Canadian market, and transfer practical knowledge on considerations and good practices for successful exporting to Canada.

Exporter Missions

TFO Canada led trade missions typically develop from the Exporting to Canada Seminars. These sector-focussed trade missions introduce SME exporters to experienced Canadian, and sometimes American, buyers or distributors. The objective of these missions is two-fold: to increase exporter awareness of market opportunities and requirements; and to facilitate sustainable business linkages, ultimately resulting in new export sales. Occasionally exporter missions involve participation in trade fairs.

Importer Missions

The objective of this activity is also to facilitate linkages between sellers and buyers. In contrast with exporter missions, importer missions involve Canadian buyers and importers visiting client countries. The buyers also use the meetings with exporters and site visits, to provide practical advice on export readiness, product adaptation, and other required export offer adjustments.

Exporter Market Entry Strategies

In partnership with the Universities of Concordia (Montreal) and Wilfred Laurier (Waterloo), TFO Canada prepares market entry strategies for a number of developing country exporters each year. These consultancy reports prepared by MBA students provide customized and practical advice on how an individual exporter should enter the Canadian marketplace.