Crafting Hope


Aling Nur Naluri Widianti is the founder of Salam Rancage a not for profit social enterprise that supports local women in Borgor, Indonesia, by providing them with trainings on how to produce handicrafts made from locally recycled materials. Salam Rancage sell their handmade craft online at; locally as well as to buyers from all over the world.

Under the project Canadian Market Access and Capacity Building Services and Canada Indonesia Trade and Private Sector Assistance projects, Aling received online trainings, attended workshops on Exporting to Canada since 2014. According to Aling “,“Since 2014 I have received support from TFO Canada who have aided in the development of Salam Rancage. Through TFO Canada I learned to connect with buyers and exporters as a businesswoman,. Learning about the Canadian and International export market, gives me an advantage in understanding the market and how to target items and export strategies. I also learned a lot on how to improve my business model and better target buyers.

Before Aling became an entrepreneur, and a bold figure in her community supporting in the environmental and social development of Bogor; In her community there were many challenges

Aling was deeply affected by this and wanted to support her community in finding sustainable solutions that would support the families as well as keep the community of Bogor clean. Upon discussion with her friends they decided that the best way to financially support the community and keep it clean would be to start a social business with a full staff of women.

Together Aling and a the women from the community have started an open farm, a community cleaning project, empowering the local women with village associations led by the women in the community, starting a zero waste market, increasing the income of the community and overall making her community more “green and clean”.

Aling’s business not only stimulates the economy, but it puts women and the environment first. Her hopes for the future is to continue to inspire women all over Indonesia, “ I want to inspire them to create something for themselves and their communitiesI want to thank TFO Canada team for their support and motivation. Keep up the good work and thank you for your continuous encouragement”.[/vc_section]