Building Materials

Building Materials
While residential construction is facing a depressed market into 2015, opportunities exist for suppliers of building materials for commercial construction and home renovations for seniors who want to remain longer in their homes. Opportunities also exist for materials that are environmentally friendly and innovative for all types of construction. After a sharp decline in 2011 to $930 million, the value of Canadian lumber imports reached just over $1 billion in 2013, approaching the five year high last reached in 2010. Imports of value-added products such as kitchen cabinets, wooden windows, doors, pre-fabricated wooden buildings, fencing, etc. reached a five year high in 2013 at $1.3 billion. Sourced mainly from the United States ($701 million), China ($318 million) and Austria ($52 million), several TFO Canada client countries were successful in claiming a position among the top ten suppliers in this category. Canadian imports of ‘other’ building products such as clay and stone tiles for flooring and walls, and cement blocks rose consistently over the past five years to reach $3.3 billion in 2013.