TFO Canadas Trade Readiness Capacity Building Services

These activities are generally delivered in-country, working in close collaboration with a local trade support organization and using a “train-the-trainer” approach to ensure sustainability.

Several of these services are provided in partnership with Canadian public and private trade support institutions.

Exporter Training

TFO Canada is a leading transferor of trade training tools to partner country trade support organisations, adapting Canadian trade training expertise to the circumstances of developing countries, TFO Canada offers its partners a modularised approach to trade training through a five-day comprehensive export management curriculum. The training is available in English, French and Spanish, and can readily be adapted to the needs of a particular country or sector.

Promoting Businesswomen in Trade

TFO Canada has adapted the Exporter Training program to provide a trade support programme specifically for export oriented women-led businesses. Integrated support to these entrepreneurs includes trade training, as well as related mentoring and trade information services. These programmes are implemented in conjunction with local business support institutions and local trainers.

Packaging Workshops

These workshops are designed to create awareness about the role packaging can play in exporting. They also build technical capacity and know-how within the domestic packaging and design industries.


Product Adaptation Programs

Within a number of sectors, TFO Canada provides workshops and one-on-one consulting services to assist exporters with the identification of customer requirements and the specific adaptation and/or quality adjustments needed to succeed in international markets.


Web-based Trade Information Portals

TFO Canada has experience working with trade support organizations to advise on or develop web-based trade portal systems. These systems become the vehicles to bring a wide variety of information from multiple sources to the institution’s members/clients and act as a virtual showroom of exportable products.

Commercial Representation for Trade and Investment

This program comprises a training course and in-depth, on-the-job manual designed to prepare government Foreign Service officers carry out commercial responsibilities during foreign assignments. The program is also customizable to suit the training needs of investment or trade promotion agencies.

Trade Association Support

TFO Canada is also experienced in advising trade associations and chambers of commerce on how to improve their business development services to members, using models adapted from private Canadian trade support organizations.


Trade in Services

TFO Canada provides SME export readiness training programmes for Trade Support Institutions and/or Trade Promotion Organizations that have a mandate for the development of trade in services. A course licensing agreement, training of trainers and trainer certification programme ensure that instructors are equipped with the tools and methodologies to effectively train and coach SME service providers through the 4 stages of exporter-readiness.