Importinfo Newsletter May 2014
TFO Canada is Moving!

TFO Canada will be moving offices. Effective June 1st, 2014 our new mailing address will be:

130 Slater Street, Suite 1025
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1P 6E2

The nearest intersection is Slater and Metcalfe. All correspondences and packages should be mailed to this address and all scheduled and new meetings or appointments will be held there as well. Note that our phone numbers remain the same.

Expoalimentaria 2014 – Seminar and Trade Show
Toronto June 18, 2014; Peru August 27 – 28, 2014
Sector: Processed Foods and Beverages

It is time to grow your business with Peruvian partners and products!

Expoalimentaria Seminar in Toronto

The Trade Office of Peru, OECX Toronto, invites you to attend the Expoalimentaria 2014 seminar in Toronto to see firsthand what Peru has to offer at this upcoming trade show in the country. The seminar will provide you with pertinent information and assist in developing relationships with producers from over 15 regions of Peru. It is an excellent platform for conducting business and offers an ideal opportunity to take advantage of the 5th Anniversary of the Peru-Canada Free Trade Agreement. Product offers from the participating Peruvian companies include: various types of quinoa (pearl, organic, white, red, and black), chocolate, pastas, asparagus, honey, turmeric, paprika, fish, anchovies, sardines, and vinegar.

Wednesday June 18, 2014, 11:30am – 1:30pm
Ontario Investment and Trade Centre
250 Yonge Street, Toronto, ON

For more information you can visit the event page at:

If you are interested in attending this seminar, contact:

Expoalimentaria Trade Show in Peru

Expoalimentaria 2014 is the most important food trade show in Latin America and will be hosted in Peru from August 27 – 28, 2014. The show facilitates an International Meeting Point for over 30,000 professionals which include producers, food manufacturers, importers and exporters and suppliers of a range of services and food processing machinery and innovative state of the art technology.

For more information you can visit the event page at:

If you are interested in attending this trade show, contact:
expoalimentaria 2014

Calling for expression of interest in TFO Canada Buyer Mission to Honduras

Scheduled for October 2014
Sector: Clothing

Honduras offers a well-established and sophisticated clothing-manufacturing sector that has duty free access to the United States of America. With the Canada-Honduras Free Trade Agreement coming into force of this year, the country’s main market will then have duty free access to all of North America. To take advantage of this new opportunity, TFO Canada in cooperation with FIDE Honduras is organizing a Canadian buyer mission in October 2014. The selected Canadian companies will benefit from a supplier meeting agenda and travel expense subsidy.

If you are interested in attending the buyer’s mission or would like more information on the Honduran exporters being considered for meetings, please contact:

Lidia Karamaoun, TFO Canada Senior Project Manager – or 1-800-267-9674 ext. 27
Abbey Lipman, Sector Specialist – or 514-939-0220.