Importinfo Newsletter February 2017

Calling Canadian Buyers to Take Advantage of Incentives to Go on International Trade Missions

Interested in finding new suppliers in fresh produce from Central America? TFO Canada invites buyers interested in participating in its Canadian Buyer Trade Mission to Guatemala and EXPOAPEN in Nicaragua from August 30 – September 2, 2017. This four day – agro food sector trade mission begins in Guatemala and concludes your time in the market place at a tradeshow in Nicaragua.

TFO Canada will schedule information sessions and field visits, along with one-on-one meetings with suppliers from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. Please see the preliminary list of products that will be featured on this mission:

EL SALVADOR: Snacks, cocoa confectionery and specialty coffees.

GUATEMALA: Sweet papaya, sweet pineapple, avocado hass, tangerines, bananas, plantains, blackberries, blueberries, oriental vegetables, honey, cardamom, macadamia, and organic coffees.

HONDURAS: Snacks, coffee, cocoa, processed – frozen beans, oriental vegetables, roots (sweet potato, taro root, cassava), plantains, cantaloupes, frozen vegetables and fruits, and tropical fruits.

NICARAGUA: conventional and organic honey, specialty coffee, dried organic fruits, fruits pulp, processed peanuts, roots, marmalades, jams, frozen vegetables and fresh fruits.

TFO Canada Will Cover Buyers’ Hotel Accommodation, Meals and 50% of the Air Ticket

Please let us know if you would be interested in participating in this mission by March 20th, 2017.

To confirm your interest or if you have any questions please send an e-mail to:
Marysabel Gonzalez
Project Manager for Latin America and the Caribbean

Canadian Buyer’s Incentives to Attend International Trade Shows

TFO Canada heard your need for opportunities to source new suppliers. Occasionally our partner countries have incentives for Canadian buyers to attend trade events. Here are five buyer incentive programs in a variety of sectors:

Sector: Ethnic Foods
Philippines’ Asian Ethnic Foods and Ingredients Food Show May 2017
Application deadline April 1st, 2017