Canada endorses G20 joint statement on trade and investment
Government of Canada

International cooperation on rules-based trade is key to supporting a strong, sustainable, and inclusive economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Today, the Honourable Mary Ng, Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion and International Trade, concluded successful meetings with her counterparts at the G20 Trade and Investment Ministerial Meeting in Sorrento, Italy.  Canada and the other G20 members endorsed a joint statement on trade and investment that reinforces their commitment to supporting a strong global economic recovery from the pandemic and to strengthening the rules-based international trading system that has the WTO at its core.

At the meeting, Minister Ng participated in discussions regarding support for businesses seeking to expand into international markets, including support for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), which are vital to Canada’s economic growth and the prosperity of Canadians. She welcomed G20 members’ endorsement of a voluntary policy toolkit to help MSMEs navigate the challenges of the digital and green transitions. This policy toolkit will better position them to integrate into the international trading system.

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