This week’s ads: Pumpkins, winter squash, pomegranates, grapes, apples, and pears taking center stage
This week’s ads: Pumpkins, winter squash, pomegranates, grapes, apples, and pears taking center stage

“This week’s ads continued the Autumnal theme, with pumpkins, winter squash, pomegranates, grapes, apples, and pears taking center stage. Additionally, mangos, avocados, berries, pineapples, green bell peppers, and asparagus made a strong showing. Navel oranges, both imported and domestic, were popular ad items this week. Although ad numbers for packaged salad greens were typical, there were no ads reported for red or green leaf lettuces, and total lettuce ads were down 62% from this week last year. Apple cider, caramel apples, apple cider donuts, and candied apples were featured as part of festive seasonal sections in flyers.

Total ad numbers this week were 271,564, a 1% increase from last week’s 267,827. The total for the same week last year was 10% higher than for this year. The total number of ads broken out by commodity groups: fruit 140,845 (52% of all ads), onions and potatoes 23,022 (8%), vegetables 103,311 (38%), herbs 315, ornamentals 2,183, and hemp 1,888. The number of ads for organic produce was 45,508, 17% of total ads.

The following are the prices of major advertised items (3,000 plus ads) this week, compared to the same week last year. Significant increases in price for fruit this week included pineapples at 23%, blackberries at 17%, Navel oranges (3 lb. bag) at 16%, and organic red seedless grapes at 14%.

Significant decreases included avocados at 18% and blueberries (1 pint) at 10%. The sole significant change in price for onions and potatoes this week was a 23% increase for Russet potatoes (5 lb. bag). Significant increases in price for vegetables included green bell peppers (ea.) at 24%, butternut and spaghetti squashes at 24%, and packaged salad (5-9 oz) at 12%. There were no significant decreases.

Click here to read the full report.

*This article is excerpted from website, published 24th October 2022