Importer Registration

Organization Details
Organization Type *
Other Type *
Language *
Other Language *
Company Name *
Address *
City *
Postal Code *

Phone Number

Phone Number


Fax Number


Mobile Number
Primary Contact
Contact Name *
Contact Title *
About The Company
Year Established *
Primary Industry *
Secondary Industry
Company Description
Import Experience
Company has import experience ? *
Global Imports
Trade Association(s) of which you are a member
Define The Product

Remember that showcasing a diverse range of products boosts your profile and gives online visitors a better understanding of what you have to offer. Once your account has been approved by TFO Canada, you will be able to login and add more products to your profile.

Product Group *
Product Name *
HS Code
Create an Account
Username *
Email *
Password *
Confirm Password *
How did you learn about TFO Canada's services?
Receive the TFO Canada e-Newsletters ? *

Note: Make sure the information you have entered is accurate before pressing the ‘Submit’ button. Please press ONLY ONCE. It may take a minute to process your entry.

Register with us free of charge to gain access to detailed trade information and for customized buyer-seller matching.