Boletín Importinfo Noviembre 2017

Digital Tools/Services to improve Sourcing Suppliers
Goes Mobile with a Suite of its Online Resources

TFO Canada has now made it easier for you to view its Supplier Database on your smart devices!

Our new Mobile Friendly Supplier Database gives you ease of access while you are on the go or in a meeting, and need to share information on a supplier you are working with through TFO Canada or just to let other importers know of this online service.

Below please find a screen shot of our mobile friendly tool:

Virtual Trade Mission (VTM) Pilot

In the Fall TFO Canada launched a VTM pilot project with partners CEI-RD of Dominican Republic and ProEcuador and their counterparts in embassy in Ottawa and trade office in Toronto. The project is a virtual business-to-business (B2B) meeting that aims to:

  • Assist exporters to establish and build business relationships with Canadian buyer participants over the internet and/or conference calls, with the ultimate purpose of landing purchase orders.
  • Assist importers to connect with select suppliers from the comfort of their offices
  • Make future in-person meetings during trade shows, inward and outward-bound trade missions much more efficient. Preliminary discussions on samples and prices might help to close deals faster

This pilot focussed on the Fresh Fruits and Vegetable sector with four export-ready companies from each country participating alongside six Canadian buyers. Several connections have been made to date, with possible successes in the works.

Importer Survey Gift Card Winners
TFO Canada would like to thank all importers who completed its annual importer survey for 2017. As promised those who completed the survey by September 25th were included in a draw for gift cards. There were 82 respondents of which 23 completed the survey within the contest period. The winners of the Shoppers Drugmart and Tim Hortons Gift cards are as follows:
  • Green Bean Coffee Imports, from Manitoba
  • The Mexican Arabica Bean Company, from Ontario
  • Pusateriès Fine Foods, from Ontario
  • Importations Tresart Caché, from Quebec

The gift cards will be sent out via Canada Post in the month of December.

Congratulations Isabelle!

TFO Canada would like to Congratulate Isabelle Aubert of Tribeca Imports of Chambly, Quebec on being named one of Canada’s Top 100 Female Entrepreneurs . Isabelle has been a supporter of TFO Canada’s activities by way of giving advice to our exporters and the trade representatives that supports them. In 2015 she sat on an importer panel for TFO Canada Training for Trade Support Institution representatives from Tunisia and Morocco, providing in-depth advice on accessing the Canadian Market and marketing strategies.