Importinfo Newsletter January 2015
Let TFO Canada Be Your Sourcing Partner: 
Canadian Buyers Achieve Success Through TFO Canada’s Services

TFO Canada wants to be your sourcing partner for suppliers from emerging and developing countries. One year ago, TFO Canada launched the implementation of its five year “Canadian Market Access Program” for developing countries. One aspect of this program is the provision of trade information, contact and advisory services.

For over 30 years, TFO Canada has been supporting Canadian buyers through the use of our Foreign Supplier Database to find new companies from which to import products never before seen on the Canadian market. Through our contact services, we can provide you with assistance in order to meet new suppliers handpicked for their untapped potential in Canada. This includes participating in one of our outgoing trade missions, attending an international trade show, or arranging B2B meetings with incoming commercial missions to Canada.


Here are a number of results of these contact services:

  • A Montreal-based importer and distributor of gourmet food participated in B2B meetings arranged by TFO Canada at the 2014 Salon international de l’alimentation (SIAL). There, the company met a Peruvian chocolate company, whose participation in SIAL was supported by TFO Canada, and secured a private label contract for organic chocolates.
  • Through TFO Canada’s 2007 Design Caribbean project, a Montreal-based retailer secured a distribution agreement with a Haitian artisanal company that produces eco-friendly home décor products. The Montreal retailer continues to successfully represent and distribute this company’s products in the Canadian market, including a significant purchase of home décor items by Hudson’s Bay Company which were featured in one of its 2014 holiday display windows in Toronto.
  • A Toronto-based importer of fresh produce participated in a 2011 TFO Canada Buyer Mission to Peru. The mission included attending the Expoalimentaria Trade Show in Lima and visiting the growers’ orchards, processing and packaging plants, and logistics infrastructure. As a result, the Canadian company ordered over 15 containers of organic Kent mangoes from Peru.
  • The Société des Alcools du Québec (SAQ) participated in TFO Canada’s 2010 Rum Buyer Mission to the Caribbean. Following a week of taste-testing, distillery tours and meetings with top local producers, the SAQ began officially carrying two brands of premium rum from Saint Lucia.

To enjoy the same success these buyers have had in finding new suppliers, participate in TFO Canada’s supply sourcing activities:

  1. Consult this monthly ImportInfo newsletter to review new supply offers published for your sector from emerging and developing country exporters.
  2. Look out for e-bulletins on TFO Canada’s sector-specific Buyer Missions to visit new countries and connect with us on those that interest you.
  3. Look out for e-bulletins promoting sector-specific B2B meetings with incoming commercial missions to Canada.
  4. Visit our website at and sign in to your account to search the Foreign Supplier Database and view sector-specific supply offers on your personalized dashboard. (Forgot your password? Click here)