Fresh Inset registers Vidre+ technology in Peru

Fresh Inset registers Vidre+ technology in Peru

The registration of Vidre+, the Fresh Inset’s technology for avocados and limes, will help Peruvian exporters reach Europe and even the Far East markets with an unmatched level of freshness.

With the registration on the Peruvian market, Vidre+ now offers a solution for avocado exporters to extend the freshness of their fruit, enabling transport to more distant markets. Peru, a top avocado exporter, held a 12.2% global market share in 2022. In 2023 alone, Peru exported 616,000 tons of avocados to over 40 countries worldwide. The export value exceeded $1 billion, with more than 60% of the harvest going to Europe and 14% to the USA.

Vidre+ safeguards fresh produce and even flowers from the harmful effects of ethylene, thereby extending their freshness. This technology is encapsulated in an easy-to-apply sticker, making it accessible to growers and producers, regardless of size. As a result, it helps reduce food waste at every production stage.

To read the full article, please visit Fresh Inset registers Vidre+ technology in Peru ( Published on August 6, 2024.