How do I find buyers in Canada?

Here are some ways to find buyer/importer listings for the Canadian market:

Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada Website:

Conduct a search by:
  • keyword e.g.: Type in “Grapefruit”
  • harmonized code; or
  • choose by list of products
Note: This database provides only limited contact information (Company Name, City, and Postal Code). To find more information, copy the company names to search engines such as:, Canada business registries, and/or
Pointer: Use the “Canadian Company Capabilities” side of this website to find manufacturers who might need your products as inputs or as part of their manufacturing process.
Cylex Canada
It has a large database of Canadian Companies classified by category or by company name.
Trade Shows
Investigate companies on “Exhibitor” and/or “Participant” lists at trade show websites found via, and/or

Our Office has moved!

As of August 7th, our office has moved to:
66 Slater - Suite 2100, Ottawa,

Ontario K1P 5H1