COVID-19 Updates

The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has caused a global health pandemic and a global economic slowdown.


Coronavirus news

The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has caused a global health pandemic and a global economic slowdown. This has impacted international trade and development, and will no doubt have consequences for many of our partner countries.

We recognize that the situation continues to evolve and TFO Canada’s commitment is to continue providing important information and services in support of our stakeholders and beneficiaries.  This will include the passing of information from various Canadian government departments so that we all understand changes that are happening when it comes to doing business with Canada right now, as a result of COVID-19.  Additionally, you can count on us to continue delivering our regular services as usual.

TFO Canada will continue to provide services to our partners and stakeholders.  On this page, we will provide insights to our stakeholder on how we are working through COVID-19.[/vc_section][vc_section][ImageInfoWidget background_colour=”#eeeeee” attached_image=”13981″]

Our Services Are Continuing

At this time our staff and associates are travelling domestically or internationally, attending conferences and events. In addition, to conducting meetings online. We will continue to operate as usual and continue to provide timely responses to our stakeholders and the community.

We will continue to provide online services such as our webinars. We have a few planned webinars that will be taking place soon and so we encourage you to check our website from time to time.[/ImageInfoWidget][ImageInfoWidget background_colour=”#ffffff” is_reversed=”true” attached_image=”19526″]You can access our Market Information Papers (MIP) here.  However our published market information papers were written before the pandemic and we are in the process of updated them and they do not have the economic impact of COVID on the markets and supply chains. This will take which will take time to update however, our MIP still serve as reference point.

Due to the circumstances many trade shows and events have been cancelled or postponed in Canada and internationally. We will continue to give updates about events here.

We remain available and can be reached via email or telephone here. 

For general inquiries, please contact: 1.613.233.3925 or[/ImageInfoWidget][/vc_section][vc_section]

Exporters (SMEs)

Updates on what’s happening in the Canadian import market:

“The craft and natural cosmetics sectors have been hard hit by the COVID-19 global crisis. Many workshops have had to close temporarily – with the no clear indication on when this may end. This has resulted in drastically impacting the artisans and producers who are the heart of the sector – with many losing their incomes overnight. The T+I Portal brings together initiatives which are being led by social enterprises and stakeholders in the craft and cosmetics sectors to maintain incomes and protect those who are the most vulnerable during this global crisis.”


For more information on these initiatives, we invite you to visit the portal at:

Other Resources

For more COVID-19 related news, please visit our news section on our website.[vc_btn title=”Read More” style=”custom” custom_background=”#d72e34″ custom_text=”#ffffff” el_class=”custom-button-red” link=”url:%2Ftrade-news%2F|title:Trade%20News”][/vc_section]