Boletín Importinfo Junio 2023

TFO Canada’s 2022-2023 Impact Report

TFO Canada is proud to present its third annual impact report.

As the main COVID-19 pandemic measures were lifted, many in-person events resumed during the year 2022-2023. TFO Canada implemented several projects and a variety of initiatives aimed to empower SMEs and enhance their competitiveness in international markets.

Learn more

Upcoming missions: Mark your calendars!

TFO Canada is hosting a Haitian Mission & Exhibits at COSMOPROF

Las Vegas

from July 9-14th, 2023

TFO Canada, in cooperation with CFI Haiti, is organizing a Haitian Trade mission to Cosmoprof Las Vegas from July 9-14th 2023.

Cosmoprof North America (CPNA) is the leading business-to-business (B2B) beauty exhibition in the Americas. Recognized for its dynamic growth and unique programs, the event offers the entire beauty industry an opportunity to come together to make new relationships and foster collaborations. CPNA serves as the premier launching pad for new beauty brands by introducing revolutionary technologies, product innovations, and new channels of manufacturing, packaging, and distribution.

B2B meetings available now

TFO Canada will be hosting a mission of 6 exporters from Haiti to exhibit at COSMOPROF Las Vegas U.S.A. Do not miss your chance to meet qualified exporters with new and innovative products that have been specifically selected for their potential in the North American market.



RAFFIN’ELLE Soap, oil, body scrub
SAVONS DES ÎLES Soap, candles, natural deodorant, oil, body cream, scrubs, spa salts, diffusers
MAYDEEN Soaps, body butters, lip balms
CETPA (Centre de Stockage et de Transformation de Produits Agricoles) Castor oil
NATURE SACRÉE Soaps, hair oil, skin serum, massage oil
AGRINOVA  Oils (almond, coconut, castor)

For more information about the companies and their offerings, please contact:

Bertrand Walle, TFO Canada Associate

Ph: 1-905-319-9555

New Supply Offers: June 2023

TFO Canada received 26 new supply offers in these categories:

  • 15 – Food products and beverages (Inc. seafood)
  • 4 – Personal Care, pharmaceuticals and natural health products
  • 2 – Electronics, electrical and telecommunications
  • 1 – Home Décor, Giftware and Crafts
  • 1 – Clothing (not Inc. footwear)
  • 1 – Fashion Accessories
  • 1 – Office and Other Professional Supplies
  • 1 – I.T Services (Inc. Software)

Sign in to your TFO Canada profile to view the suppliers that match your interests.

What are the implications of Bill C-47 for the Natural Health Products (NHPs) Industry?

On June 22, 2023, Bill C-47 was enacted, introducing amendments to the Food and Drugs Act (FDA) to extend existing provisions of the FDA to now apply equally to natural health products.

The key provisions, which take immediate effect, include:

  1. Information Disclosure – Health Canada can now order individuals or entities to provide information to determine if they deem an NHP product presents a serious risk of injury to human health.
  2. Labelling and Packaging Modifications – Health Canada now has the authority to require a label change or package modification if they deem an NHP product presents a serious risk of injury to human health
  3. Recall Authority – Health Canada now has the ability to order a recall of NHPs that present a serious or imminent risk of injury to human health.
  4. Increased Fines and Penalties – Health Canada can now impose higher fines and penalties to deter non-compliance with NHP regulations. The amendments include fines of up to $5,000,000.00 CAD or 2 years in prison as a penalty for failing to comply with the provisions.
  5. Incorporation by Reference- This provision grants Health Canada the ability to incorporate external documents, standards, or guidelines by reference, streamlining the regulatory process and aligning with recognized best practices.
  6. Prohibition of False or Misleading Statements – False or misleading statements, or providing inaccurate information to the Minister is now expressly prohibited.
  7. Confidential Business Information – This provision grants Health Canada the authority to disclose confidential business information if they deem that an NHP may present a serious health or injury risk, or for the protection and promotion of human health.

If you import, sell, distribute, package, label or manufacture NHPs in Canada please review the therapeutic product provisions and the NHPR to ensure your products are in compliance.

Trade Events

In Canada

Show T.O

August 10, 2023

Fall Gift and Home Market Show

August 13, 2023

Apparel and Textile Sourcing 2023

August 21, 2023

Canada Food Health Association (CHFA)

Now East

September 21, 2023

Grocery Innovations

October 24, 2023Internationally

47th Dar-es Salaam International Trade Fair

June 28- July 13, 2023


October 7-11, 2023

Africa Fashion and Sourcing Week

November 3-6, 2023

Intra-African Trade Fair

November 21, 2023Click here to view all trade events.