Let’s keep trade rolling

Norfolk Daily News

Over the last four years, we have updated our trade relationships and trade agreements at a historic pace. We secured updated comprehensive trade agreements with Canada, Mexico, and South Korea; entered into Phase One agreements with China and Japan that address many significant impediments to U.S. exporters in these major markets; and achieved important progress to remove trade barriers faced by particular sectors in several other countries. Together, these nations purchase almost 50 percent of the United States’ current exports. These agreements facilitated increased opportunities and fairer treatment for American producers and consumers struggling during the pandemic, and they are important platforms to open additional opportunities for U.S. exporters in the future. In part as a result of these agreements, we have seen exports increase 27 percent from the May low. While these agreements continue to bear fruit, it is vital we treat them as the first steps of a long journey toward more open markets and equitable treatment for U.S. goods and services, not an excuse to relax when there is so much more work to be done.

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