TFO Canada Annual Impact Report 2020-2021
TFO Canada is proud to present its first Annual Impact Report. Although the year 2020-2021 has been shaped by the impacts of COVID-19 we have still been able to pursue our mission of improving lives through the creation of sustainable trade partnerships for exporters from developing countries with Canadian and foreign buyers. Regardless of the collective and individual challenges we have all faced, at TFO Canada we learned to adapt to these changes and remained committed to our mission. Working remotely and online only motivated us to do more in reaching our partners and beneficiaries, this can be seen through the report as we adapted to virtual trainings, webinars and the online resources produced.

The TFO Canada Impact Report 2020-2021 highlights our enthusiasm, commitments, and achievements towards our mission, while supporting the most vulnerable (specifically women and marginalized groups) in accessing the Canadian and International Markets.

Happy reading!

Impact Report 2020-2021