Home Decor

Home Decor
The Home Décor market in Canada is estimated at a retail value of more than CAD 10 billion annually. The report provides an overview of this competitive market, its key characteristics and trends. It also gives a detailed profile of imports coming into the country, showing how extensive the number of players is in the marketplace. Retail sales are slowly getting back to their pre-COVID levels. Industry revenue is expected to grow at an annualised rate of 0.05% over the five years to 2026, as rising consumer confidence and new housing start to encourage consumers to invest more dollars into their homes. With more than 4,400 home décor stores located across the country, products are also sold by specialty boutiques, mass merchandisers, and online retailers. Canadian imports of home décor reached $3.5 billion in 2021 and are dominated by Asian suppliers, especially China (61% of imports), as well as the United States (17%).